Management committee
The following committees are responsible for the management of the dormitory. Residents are elected in an annual vote.
The Board of Directors
The board of the dormitory makes decisions on matters of principle regarding the layout and operation of the dormitory. It considers the budgets, accounts and house rules prepared by the day-to-day management and ensures that the charter is complied with, including that the standard of the dormitory is maintained and that adequate provisions for depreciation and maintenance are made.
The Executive Committee (FU)
The Executive Committee consists of 4 elected residents who make up half of the dormitory council. The dormitory council makes decisions regarding the daily running of the dormitory. Monthly meetings are held to discuss and make decisions on matters that have a direct impact on the everyday life of the residents. Examples include the security guard system, choice of TV channels, cleaning, video surveillance, purchase of copiers and shared printers, rules for guest rooms, drying rooms, choice of telephone provider, delivery of beer/water to the dormitory, etc. In addition, the dormitory council is also involved in drawing up the annual budget – and making sure it is kept to.
The executive committee is thus the residents’ opportunity to influence the daily lives of everyone at the dormitory through collaboration with the administration, the inspector and the efor.
There are annual elections for four positions on the executive committee.
The Dormitory Association
The Dormitory Association looks after the interests of the residents. All residents are members of the Residents’ Association. The membership fee is set once a year and is charged together with the rent (currently DKK 35 per month).
The College Council
The College Council is the forum of the Dormitory Association. The residents’ council consists of one representative for each hall of residence. The representatives are obliged to provide the residents’ council with objective information about their hall’s position on the matters dealt with by the council. All residents have the right to attend the dormitory council meetings, which are usually held once a month.
The Dormitory Council
The Dormitory Council is responsible for the administration of the dormitory. It consists of an equal number of members. One half is elected by and among the residents (in practice the Executive Committee of the Dormitory Council) and the other half consists of the eforen, the inspector and 2 from the office staff. The dormitory council discusses the dormitory’s current affairs and makes decisions on small and large matters at the dormitory. The residents are allowed to attend the dormitory council meetings, which are usually held once a month. Eforen is the chairman of the meeting. The board appoints the college’s efor, who, in accordance with the Act on Commercial Foundations, is comparable to a director and who handles the day-to-day operations on behalf of the board and the dormitory council. According to the charter, the efor is a born member of the dormitory council and contact committee.
Contact Committee (KU)
The Contact Committee deals with decisions on the admission of residents, the length of the residence hall period, violations of the house rules and exemptions from the admission requirements of the charter. The committee consists of eforen and 6 members elected for one year at a time among the residents by written vote.